Employers Store

Feel free to purchase the item that perfectly matches your needs in hiring your next team member.

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First Pinned Post
Pinned posts are based on availability. First come, first served. The First pinned post will stay pinned for 4 days. This means it will be the first post a jobseeker sees when visiting our page. NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy. Please keep in mind to multiply according to your amount of job vacancies.
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Pinned Post
Pinned posts are based on availability. The (second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth) pinned post will stay pinned for 4 days. This means that it will be one of the next pinned posts in the carousel of six pinned posts at the top of our page. Don't worry; people love to slide through posts. NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy. Please keep in mind to multiply according to your amount of job vacancies.
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Whatsapp Channel
The WhatsApp channel is WhatsApp's newest innovation. We have a channel with 1500+ followers who will receive your vacancy through direct messaging. NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy. Please keep in mind to multiply according to your amount of job vacancies.
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Whatsapp Database
Our WhatsApp database consists of over 5000+ cellphone numbers. With this database, we can send your vacancy through direct messaging on WhatsApp.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy. Please keep in mind to multiply according to your amount of job vacancies.
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Tag Facebook Page
We can tag your page with the (job vacancy) post. Each post requires buying the “tag” option. Please ensure your Facebook page has the option to tag your page activated. NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
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Post on LinkedIn
Please kindly note that this service is for one job vacancy only. If you have more than one job vacancy on one flyer, you need to purchase this service for each additional job vacancy. NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
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Featured Job Vacancy
Our 'WEBSITE featured Job Vacancy' product enhances your recruitment outreach by displaying your job flyer on our website's Jobs Gallery. Designed as an add-on service, it focuses exclusively on website visibility without separate postings on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. The standalone 'Job Vacancy' product must be purchased in conjunction with this feature to leverage it. The website featured vacancy will remain on our website for 14 days. NOTE: this is an add one and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
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