Employers Store

Feel free to purchase the item that perfectly matches your needs in hiring your next team member.

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Job Vacancy
Please kindly note that this service is for one job vacancy only. If you have more than one job vacancy on one flyer, you need to purchase this service for each additional job vacancy.

Post on Facebook page & story
Post on Instagram page & story
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Video Job Vacancy
Please kindly note that this service is for one job vacancy only. If you have more than one job vacancy in the video vacancy, you need to purchase this service for each additional job vacancy.

Post on Facebook Post & Story
Post on Instagram Post & Story
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Job Vacancy Design
We can make a great job vacancy design for you. Please note that the job vacancy design fee does not include placement on our platform. You have to buy the placement separate.
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Advertisements, Promotions, and/or Job Fairs will be placed on our Facebook page and story.

Note that as a transparency rule to our followers, we will make a mention that it is a paid advertisement.
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