Job Vacancy Design
We can make a great job vacancy design for you. Please note that the job vacancy design fee does not include placement on our platform. You have to buy the placement separate.
Need to know.
What is the max number of vacancies I can purchase?
You can purchase as many vacancies as needed. Please keep in mind that we charge per job vacancy. If you have more than 1 job vacancy on a flyer, we will charge per each vacancy. For example, if your flyer has 3 vacancies, we will charge 3x the basic amount.
What is the format for a job vacancy?
All posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and WhatsApp must be in jpg or png format. It is not possible to send a pdf file. Please note that the ideal size for a job vacancy on Facebook is 1080 X 1280. For Facebook Story 1080 x 1920. For Instagram 1080 x 1080. However, if you want to post only a text vacancy, this is possible.
Can I add text to accompany my job vacancy placement?
Yes, this is possible. However, keep in mind that Facebook and especially Instagram have guidelines as to how long a text can be. If your text is too long, we cannot guarantee that it can be added to your job vacancy post on Facebook or Instagram. Also keep in mind that there is no possibility to add text to the Facebook Story or Instagram Story post. Please provide us with the text immediately so that we can handle the placement efficiently.
Can I save a job vacancy posting for later if I do need meet the amount of the Good- Best or Better Package?
No, this is not possible. Please note that it is a maximum amount, therefor if you do not meet the maximum, you cannot save one (1) or more job vacancy postings for a later moment. All the vacancies must be delivered and will be posted at once.
For how long does my job vacancy stay on Kòrsou TIN Trabou's Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn?
We will not remove the job vacancy. It will stay on above mentioned social media platforms.
For how long will my post be (first) pinned?
It will stay pinned for four (4) days.
What happens with my 'strippenkaart' bought in 2023?
Your old 'strippenkaart' is still valid in 2024. Starting January 2024, we have substituted the strippenkaart with an E-wallet credit system. Therefore, we do not any longer sell the 'strippenkaart'.
What is 'Top Up E-wallet?
Is it the same as the Stripppenkaart system I am used to?
No. The NEW 'Top Up' is a credit (E-wallet) that you can use every time you come and 'buy' a job vacancy placement or any other product. This new Top-Up system replaces the OLD 'strippenkaart' system.
Can I send the proof of payment now and send the job vacancy at a later time?
No, this is not possible. Customers need to upload both at the same time.
Tag your Facebook page
Please ensure your Facebook page has the option to tag your page activated.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
WhatsApp Channel
WhatsApp channel is the newest innovation of WhatsApp. We have a channel with 1400+ followers who will receive your vacancy through direct messaging.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
WhatsApp Database
Our WhatsApp database consists of over 4300+ cellphone numbers. With this database we can send your vacancy through direct messaging.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
First Pinned post
Pinned posts are based on availability. First comes first served. The First pinned post will stay pinned for 4 days. This means that it will be the first post a jobseeker sees when visiting our page.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
Pinned post
Pinned posts are based on availability. The (second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth) pinned post will stay pinned for 4 days. This means that it will be one of the next pinned posts in the carousel of six pinned posts at the top of our page. Don't worry, people love to slide through posts.
NOTE: this is an 'add-one' and can only be bought in combination with the basic job vacancy.
Our prices are inclusive of OB.
After we receive the payment, we will proceed in placing your job vacancy.
If you want to incorporate your company logo (if available) in the design, it must be sent to
us in JPG or PNG format with a minimal resolution of 96dpi for optimal results.
You can choose 1 or 2 colors for the design. If no
particular color is chosen by you, we will choose one for you that fits best.
If you want to make use of picture of your choice in the design, it has to
be sent to us in JPG or PNG format with a minimal resolution of 96dpi. In case you don’t have your own picture, we will choose a
picture that best fits the job vacancy.
Text for the design:
We will use the text as it has been sent by you. So please
check the text on possible errors beforehand. We can occasionally make a
correction that catches our eye, however we will not correct texts. The
responsibility lays with you.
NOTE: We highly recommend not to overcrowd a design with
info but put only relevant info in the design and the rest of the text can
accompany the design.
Approval of “draft” design:
We will make the 'draft' design as soon as we receive the payment. We will send the ‘draft’ design for your approval within 2-3
business days.
The customer can make a maximum of 2 changes after we send the draft. (except
changes due to possible errors (on our part). As soon as we receive feedback or approval, the design will be available within 1 business day.
Additonal text for placement (this is optional):
You can provide us with
additional text to accompany the job vacancy we have designed for you. In order to keep the deadlines, you have to provide the text asap.
Posting on Kòrsou TIN Trabou:
Keep in mind that the job vacancy design fee is only to design the job vacancy.
If you wish to place it on Kòrsou TIN Trabou you are required to buy a job vacancy posting.
All required information to design the job vacancy should be sent to: [email protected]
The artwork (flyer) needs to be provided by the advertising company in a high resolution format.
The size for the square-shaped flyer is: 1080 X 1280 in jpg or png format. Resolution: a minimum of 72 DPI.
The size for the banner-shaped flyer is: 728 X 128 in jpg or png format. Resolution: a minimum of 72 DPI.
Kòrsou TIN Trabou need to receive the flyer beforehand to review it. Kòrsou TIN Trabou, at our sole discretion, may refuse any advertisement that does not align with our standards or policies.
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